Risk Perceptions, COVID-19 and Smoking
Risk Perceptions, COVID-19 and Smoking Yenal Can YİĞİT, Asena CANER, Belgi TURAN (2024). Risk Perceptions, Covid-19 and Smoking In: Mikro İktisat Çalışmaları Ed.Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Pelin AKYOL, Yaz Yayınları.
Perceptions of plain packaging and health warnings among university students in Turkey: a survey-based experiment
Perceptions of plain packaging and health warnings among university students in Turkey: a survey-based experiment Asena Caner, Belgi Turan, Mehmet Y. Gürdal, Sibel GüvenBMC Public Health, 2023, Volume 23 Open Access: ...
The “Tobacco Free Generation” Proposal: Worth Considering
The “Tobacco Free Generation” Proposal: Worth Considering Caner, A., Mermer, B. N., Tarı Kasnakoğlu, B., Yiğit, Y. C., & Turan, B. (2024). “Tütünsüz Nesil” Önerisi: Dikkate Alınmaya Değer. İktisat ve Toplum Dergisi, 167, 94–103. Türkiye has made significant...
Symbolic Self Completion as Mediator between Nicotine Dependence and Quit Intention: A Nationally Representative Survey
Symbolic Self Completion as Mediator between Nicotine Dependence and Quit Intention: A Nationally Representative Survey Extended AbstractOver eight million people die from tobacco use annually, yet quitting remains difficult due to both physical and psychological...